Certified business & mindset coach

Leading you to grow your business and achieve all of your goals. You get to be the creator of your reality. You can Achieve anything you desire in your business. And I am here to support you and guide you through it.


HIII, I’m Lauren

Over the past 5 years, I have learned how to rewire my neural pathways to reprogram my subconscious beliefs and align my energy with my desires. And once my limiting beliefs stepped aside and my energy aligned, the magic began. Now I am here to show you how too.

I have been certified as a business coach, an NLP practitioner and a reiki practitioner. This combined with my bachelors in behavioral neuroscience and 5+ years of personal experience makes me the perfect expert to help you manifest success and abundance in your business.

My mission is to teach you how to live your dream life, grow your dream business and achieve financial abundance. Through mastering alignment in your strategy and using neural reprogramming to rewire your brain for success you will become the ultimate CEO.


It’s Written in the Stars

You are made to have everything you’ve ever wanted. The trouble is, life gets in the way. Know the feeling?

First things first: the universe is on your side. It wants you to have that dream job, the love of your life, all the pages stamped in your passport, your perfect pet, your dream business. If you’ve dreamt it, the universe wanted it for you first.

And when the universe wants you to have something, it starts working for you. Giving you the signs, ideas, and synchronicities you need to make your dreams a reality. And if you align yourself to receive what the universe is ready to give you, anything is possible.  It’s basically written in the stars. 

The only thing standing in your way is yourself. So let’s get you out of your own way, k?

They say business is 80% mindset and 20% strategy. I’ve learned to master a magnetic mindset and magnetic marketing. Now I teach can teach you my methods so you can grow a successful, life changing businesse too.

What’s Really in Control


So, about those internal forces working against you? That’s your subconscious, babe. Here’s what you need to know: 

  • 95% of your brain is your subconscious mind. 

  • Anything you’ve ever (like, ever) seen, read, heard, or thought is stored in your subconscious. This sh*t’s powerful. 

  • Your subconscious is the brains of the operation–it’s responsible for all your actions and decisions, whether you know it or not (scary, right?)

Since we used to be cavemen (or cavewomen ;) ) and had to fight for our survival, our subconscious puts extra weight on our negative experiences. Ya know, to keep us safe from those scary lions or bears (or bosses or exes) we encounter on the daily.  Kinda sweet, right? 


This is why neural reprogramming is at the forefront of my coaching. Through NLP and other modalities you can rewire your brain for success and undo all your old wiring that is keeping you in your current, unfulfilled reality.

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