The blueprint for a 6 figure ceo

Are you ready to step into the role of a confident CEO who effortlessly attracts success and abundance? Rich CEO Academy isn’t just another business program—it’s the catalyst for your transformation into the 6-figure leader you’re destined to be.

In this exclusive 12-month journey, you’ll harness the power of my Aligned Business Framework—a revolutionary approach that integrates cutting-edge brain hacking techniques, the wisdom of your unique Human Design, and strategies to create irresistible business magnetism.

You’ll walk away from this program with the confidence, clarity, and strategy needed to scale your business to new heights, fully aligned with who you are at your core.

It’s time to become the Rich CEO you’ve always envisioned. Are you ready to make it happen?

Who Is Rich CEO Academy For?

Rich CEO Academy is for the ambitious female entrepreneur who:

  • Dreams of making consistent $5k-$10k months and beyond.

  • Is ready to step fully into her power as a CEO, not just a business owner.

  • Wants to build a business that feels effortless, aligned, and true to her core.

  • Desires a proven framework that blends mindset mastery, strategic business practices, and the unique power of Human Design.

  • Is tired of the hustle and ready to attract abundance with ease and grace.

If you’re tired of feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or unsure of your next steps, Rich CEO Academy will give you the tools, strategies, and support you need to break through to the next level

What You’ll Learn Inside Rich CEO Academy

Over the next 12 months, you’ll dive deep into three transformative pillars:

1. Hack Your Brain: Mastering the Mindset of a 6-Figure CEO

  • Rewire your mind for success using advanced neural programming techniques.

  • Overcome limiting beliefs and mental blocks that have been holding you back.

  • Cultivate a mindset of abundance, confidence, and unwavering self-belief that magnetizes success to you.

2. Leverage Your Human Design: Align Your Business with Your Unique Blueprint

  • Discover your Human Design type and how it impacts your decision-making, energy management, and business strategy.

  • Tailor your business strategies to align with your natural strengths and abilities.

  • Create a business that feels authentically you and operates with ease, flow, and alignment.

3. Create Business Magnetism: Attracting Clients and Opportunities with Ease

  • Develop a magnetic brand that attracts your ideal clients effortlessly.

  • Craft messaging that resonates deeply with your audience and converts them into paying clients.

  • Implement aligned marketing and sales strategies that feel natural and effective, not forced or salesy.

What’s Included in Rich CEO Academy?

  1. Weekly Group Coaching Calls: Get the guidance, accountability, and personalized support you need to stay on track and make progress every week.

  2. Self-Paced Learning Modules: Dive into our comprehensive library of training materials that cover everything from mindset work to business strategy, all at your own pace.

  3. Exclusive Community Group: Connect with a community of like-minded, ambitious women who are on the same journey as you. Share insights, celebrate wins, and support each other.

  4. Content Audits and Feedback: Receive personalized feedback on your content, marketing strategies, and business plans to ensure you’re always moving in the right direction.

  5. Neural Reprogramming Hub: Vault of limiting belief clearing audios (ie clearing imposter syndrome, clearing feeling of being a fraud etc), EFT tapping scripts and meditations.

  6. Lifetime Access to All Materials AND Community: Even after the 12 months, you’ll retain access to all the course materials and recordings so you can revisit and refine your strategies as you continue to grow. You’ll also have access to the community to continue asking questions!

Coming soon: Guest Expert Trainings!

Client testimonials

Are You Ready to Become a Rich CEO?

The only thing standing between you and the life of your dreams is the decision to take action. Rich CEO Academy is your roadmap to a 6-figure business that feels aligned, fulfilling, and effortless.

Before you secure your spot, know this: everyone who joins Rich CEO Academy is guaranteed to make their investment back. If you take action, implement the strategies, and ask questions but don’t see a return by the end of 12 months, you’ll be invited to stay in the program for free* until you do. In fact, you’re more likely to 10x your investment than not make it back at all.

*Must meet the criteria to be eligible


  • Rich CEO Academy is a 12-month transformational program designed to help female entrepreneurs scale their businesses to 6-figure success. It combines cutting-edge mindset work, personalized Human Design strategies, and magnetic business tactics to create a business that feels aligned and effortless that also produces a 6 figure income.

  • Rich CEO Academy is ideal for female entrepreneurs who are ready to step into their role as a CEO, create consistent $5k-$10k+ months, and scale to 6-figures and beyond. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to level up, this program provides the tools, strategies, and support to get you there.

  • 1. Hack Your Brain – Rewire your mindset for 6-figure success.

    2. Leverage Your Human Design – Align your business strategies with your unique design.

    3. Create Business Magnetism – Attract your ideal clients and opportunities effortlessly, master sales and marketing, learn everything you need to know about business so you can start hiring a team and tell them exactly how you run your business.

  • We recommend setting aside 2-3 hours per week to attend calls, go through the content, and implement the strategies. However, the program is self-paced, so you can work at a speed that suits your lifestyle.

  • Whether you’re a newbie or an established entrepreneur, Rich CEO Academy is designed to meet you where you are. The principles and strategies we teach are applicable at any stage of business, helping you build a strong foundation or scale to new heights.

  • No worries! You’ll have lifetime access to all the program materials, so you can always revisit the content, catch up, or implement at your own pace.

  • Yes! We’re confident in the results this program delivers. If you take action, implement the strategies, and ask questions but don’t make your investment back within 12 months, you’ll be invited to stay in the program for free until you do. Plus, you’re more likely to 10x your investment than not make it back at all!

  • Let's connect on a quick 30 minute call so I can answer your questions and ensure you're a good fit for the academy! Schedule one HERE